When you’re hunting, a few items are definitely your best friends. Your weapon, of course, whether it’s a gun, bow, or crossbow, is crucial. But before you can take that shot ...
READ MORE +When it comes down to getting a clean shot with your bow, it can takes years and years of practice to do so using your bare fingers. For almost a decade, I cast arrows with just ...
READ MORE +Let’s face it, shooting is an extremely enjoyable hobby, but it has its pitfalls. You have to take appropriate safety precautions, and one of the most overlooked of those ...
READ MORE +If you love the great outdoors, you’ve probably got all kinds of gear. Daypacks, backpacks, sleeping bags, hiking sticks, hiking boots, tents, coolers, hydration bladders, a ...
READ MORE +What is a hunting arrow? A hunting arrow is an arrow that is designed to have some type of hunting broadhead attached to it to help take down prey. Typically, a good hunting ...
READ MORE +What is a range finder? A range finder is a very useful tool for all hunters, but especially for those that use archery as their primary means of hunting. Because a bow or ...
READ MORE +Overview of hunting blinds For hunters, one of the most difficult parts of stocking a freezer with fresh game is to even get in position for a good shot. There are a lot of ...
READ MORE +What is a tree stand? Hunting wild game can be a real challenge given that most animals either see better, hear better or have a better sense of smell than a human…sometimes all ...
READ MORE +What makes a knife a hunting knife? Knives have been around for literally thousands of years, starting with the first flint knappings to create sharp edges for hunting and ...